
Please make sure you have read my terms of service before you commission me.Below are the prices, basic examples, and basic styles for digital art commissions.If you are having trouble seeing the images below clearly here is a link to higher quality images

Extra Information:Sketches can be done in any colour. Specify if you would like a colour other than black.

Extra information:Lined commissions can be done with 2 types of lines. Rough like in the first two figures, or soft like in the last figure.I will always use rough lines unless specified otherwise.

Extra information:Colouring can vary slightly as I experiment in personal art and have no set style. If you want a specific style of colouring please refer to the images on the portfolio page and show me the type you want.If you do not want a certain style then I will use the style in the picture above automatically.

✧ OCs
✧ Fictional characters
✧ SFW and NSFW
✧ Gore of any kind
✧ Animals & Furries
✧ Portraits of friends & familyNot Allowed:
✧ Real people (portraiture is an exception)
✧ Mecha
✧ Genderbends
✧ Hate speech
✧ Incest or pedophilia
✧ Comics
Additional information:
Please provide reference pictures, or extremely good descriptions of what you want. Even a basic stick figure reference can help.If you are commissioning an FFXIV WOL please provide reference pictures from the front, back, left and right side, and this is for both close up and full body.If anything you want varies outside of the basic guides above, contact me for further information and quotes. I am very flexible with most forms of art.Be aware that commissions can take anywhere from a single day to 2-3 months depending on the complexity as I am physically disabled and my health is not stable.If you are commissioning a piece without a background and want something like a chair in it, this will cost extra. Simple colour backgrounds do not include objects such as chairs.Payment:
All payment is done through Paypal only.All commissions must be requested via email ONLY, not via social media
This section here is specifically for acrylic lamp commissions.Below is an example of how these lamps look.

All lamps have a starting price of $80 USD without shipping.The larger the lamp, and the more detailed it is, the more expensive it will be. Detail is included as the amount of area etched on the lamp. Large etched spaces cost significantly more than simple glowing line.All lamps commissioned come with a light base, remote and cord. This cost is included in the price. If you wish to have a type of base other than black, let me know as this will cost slightly extra.All lamps commissioned come with a light base, remote and cord. If you wish to have a type of base other than black, let me know. This cost is included in the price.
The lamps above have been designed in a digital program, sent to a laser engraving studio and have been etched and cut by a machine.
Client | Type | Status |
Anon | Charm commission | In progress |
By commissioning me you have agreed to the terms of service and have confirmed that you have read them in full and understood them.
1.✧ The artist has the right to refuse any commission.✧ The artist has the right to cancel a commission part way through if being harassed.✧ The artist has the right to take longer than the designated time estimated to complete a commission.✧ The client acknowledges that all digital commissions are not physical products and do not require shipping. Acrylic lamp & charm commissions do not apply.✧ The client acknowledges and accepts that any and all shipping costs on acrylic lamp & charm commissions are to be paid in full by the client themselves.✧ The client acknowledges that they will specify up front if they have a deadline for their commission.2.✧ The client acknowledges that all commissions must be discussed about over email.✧ The client acknowledges that all payments must be 100% paid up front and paid within 48 hours of confirming a commission with the artist unless discussed otherwise.✧ The client acknowledges that all payments must be made using Paypal, and that it is the client's own Paypal account and not someone elses.✧ The client reserves the right to make up 4 changes to a commission during the entire length of the commission.✧ The client acknowledges that if they commission anything NSFW that they are over the age of 18.
Usage Rights and Policy
✧ All commissions are not to be used for any commercial purposes.✧ All commissions, including acrylic lamp commissions, are to be used only for personal purposes. E.g: profile picture, reference sheet, social media header.✧ You acknowledge that you must credit the artist if using a digital commissioned piece online.✧ All commissioned works and not to be traced, referenced or edited in any way.The artist reserves the right to:✧ Claim the commissioned work as their own work.✧ Use the commissioned piece online, in person, in portfolios, etc.✧ Reproduce the commissioned works of any fictional characters - that are not the client's own characters - as merchandise of any type.The client acknowledges that they will not:✧ Be allowed to print out any digital commissions as physical copies, and MUST stay as digital copies, unless given special permission by the artist to do so otherwise.✧ Engage in any form of reproducing or selling the commissioned work in any fashion. This includes NFTs, cryptocurrencies, or book/album covers.✧ Include the commissioned work in reference sheets or personal art collections without proper credit to the artist.
Cancellations and Refunds Policy
✧ Commissions cancelled by the client before the artist has started the commission can receive a full refund.✧ Commissions cancelled by the client after the artist has started cannot receive a refund at all.✧ If the artist cancels the commission before starting, the client will receive a full refund.✧ If the artist cancels the commission after starting, the client will receive an 80% refund.
Commission Process
Confirmation of the commission and all discussed details.
Payment. The artist will send the client an invoice detailing the cost. If payment isn't made within 48 hours the artist reserves the right to either cancel or postpone the commission.
The client receives a first sketch to review and look over.
The client receives a halfway update on the commission to review and look over.
The final artwork is sent to the client via email in full resolution.
Extra steps for acrylic lamp commissions:
The final artwork is sent to the client with watermarks over the top to prevent reproduction.
The artwork is confirmed and put into production with the manufacturer.
The client is made aware when the production has finished and is ready to ship.
The artist ships the commission to the client.
The client confirms they have received the commission.
✧ For digital commissions the client must specify the canvas size and DPI otherwise it will be defaulted to roughly A4 size with 300 DPI✧ For acrylic lamp commissions the client must specify the size of the commission in inches or centimetres.
Below are links to two different portfolios. Safe for work, and not safe for work.
My email is [email protected]To get in touch about commissioning me, please email me directly.If you have questions about commissions that don't apply to quotes or actually commissioning me then feel free to Direct Message me on twitter.Replies to commission requests, DMs and any form of contact can take 1-3 days to reply to due to my health.